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2024 Washakie County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1701-1750 of 2028
Results last updated at: 09/20/2024 12:38 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Youth - Horse / Performance Horse / 183: Junior - Ranch Riding
65 Ophus, Presley 931 3rd Washakie Ten Sleep Sage Stompers 4-H Club
182 DeGanahl, Colton 1067 5th South Flat Juniors 4-H Club
216 Hamilton, Burgess 1491 6th Renegades 4-H Club
195 Armajo, Scotlyn 1658 4th South Flat Juniors 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / 4-H Market Goat Showmanship / 28: Senior Market Goat Showmanship (14 & Over)
11 Baumstarck, Ellianna 44 3rd Renegades 4-H Club
39 Clark, Tylee 175 2nd Reserve Champion Senior Meat Goat Showman Renegades 4-H Club
90 Tapia, Ava 553 6th Renegades 4-H Club
121 Shaffer, Victoria 771 5th Washakie South Flat Juniors 4-H Club
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1187 1st Grand Champion Senior Meat Goat Showman Roadrunners 4-H Club
204 Tharp, Natalie 1340 4th Roadrunners 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / 4-H Market Goat Showmanship / 29: Intermediate Market Goat Showmanship (11, 12, 13)
19 Croft, Camille 69 2nd Reserve Champion Intermediate Meat Goat Showman Roadrunners 4-H Club
20 Croft, Leanne 73 1st Grand Champion Intermediate Meat Goat Showman Roadrunners 4-H Club
53 Clark, Olivia 297 4th Renegades 4-H Club
70 Forshee, Cachelynn 428 3rd Ten Sleep Sage Stompers 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / 4-H Market Goat Showmanship / 30: Junior Market Goat Showmanship (8, 9, 10)
12 Wiechmann, Roslyn 37 1st Grand Champion Junior Meat Goat Showman Ten Sleep Sage Stompers 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / Breeding Meat Goat / 02: Percentage Boer - Doe Kid (born between Jan 1 - March 31 of this year)
19 Croft, Camille 70 2nd Roadrunners 4-H Club
18 Croft, Neil 72 1st Washakie Roadrunners 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / Breeding Meat Goat / 06: Percentage Boer - Yearling Doe (born Sept 1, 2021 - Aug 31, of last year)
39 Clark, Tylee 286 1st Renegades 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / Breeding Meat Goat / 28: Full Blood Boer - Doe Kid (born between Jan 1 - March 31 of this year)
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1191 1st Reserve Champion Meat Goat Doe Roadrunners 4-H Club
204 Tharp, Natalie 1341 2nd Chief Washakie FFA
Youth - Meat Goat / Breeding Meat Goat / 33: Full Blood Boer - Two year old Doe (born Sept 1, 2021 - Aug 31, 2022)
53 Clark, Olivia 298 1st Champion Meat Goat Doe Renegades 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / Breeding Meat Goat / 41: Full Blood Boer - Buck Kid (born between Jan 1 - March 31 of this year)
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1193 1st Champion Meat Goat Buck Roadrunners 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / FFA Market Goat Showmanship / 03: FFA Market Goat Showmanship
11 Baumstarck, Ellianna 43 2nd Reserve Champion FFA Market Goat Showman Chief Washakie FFA
70 Forshee, Cachelynn 427 1st Grand Champion FFA Market Goat Showman Ten Sleep FFA
204 Tharp, Natalie 1272 3rd Chief Washakie FFA
203 Tharp, Beckett 1351 4th Chief Washakie FFA
Youth - Meat Goat / Market Goat / 70: Bred, Fed and Owned in Washakie County
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1198 2nd Roadrunners 4-H Club
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1201 3rd Roadrunners 4-H Club
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1202 2nd Roadrunners 4-H Club
204 Tharp, Natalie 1354 1st Chief Washakie FFA
53 Clark, Olivia 1358 1st Champion Bred and Fed - Goat Renegades 4-H Club
53 Clark, Olivia 1359 1st Reserve Champion Bred and Fed - Goat Renegades 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / Market Goat / 81: Boer Market Goat
11 Baumstarck, Ellianna 32 1st Renegades 4-H Club
12 Wiechmann, Roslyn 38 2nd Ten Sleep Sage Stompers 4-H Club
12 Wiechmann, Roslyn 39 1st Ten Sleep Sage Stompers 4-H Club
11 Baumstarck, Ellianna 42 4th Chief Washakie FFA
20 Croft, Leanne 74 5th Roadrunners 4-H Club
39 Clark, Tylee 176 3rd Champion Rate of Gain Contest - Goat, Reserve Champion Carcass Contest - Goat Renegades 4-H Club
53 Clark, Olivia 299 1st Renegades 4-H Club
90 Tapia, Ava 591 4th Champion Carcass Contest - Goat, Reserve Champion Rate of Gain Contest - Goat Renegades 4-H Club
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1205 2nd Roadrunners 4-H Club
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1207 3rd Roadrunners 4-H Club
200 Ferrett, Gethsemane 1209 5th Roadrunners 4-H Club
204 Tharp, Natalie 1343 2nd Chief Washakie FFA
204 Tharp, Natalie 1344 3rd Roadrunners 4-H Club
203 Tharp, Beckett 1350 4th Chief Washakie FFA
70 Forshee, Cachelynn 1640 2nd Reserve Champion Market Goat Ten Sleep FFA
70 Forshee, Cachelynn 1641 1st Grand Champion Market Goat Ten Sleep Sage Stompers 4-H Club
Youth - Meat Goat / Market Goat / 82: Market Doe
19 Croft, Camille 68 1st Roadrunners 4-H Club
53 Clark, Olivia 300 1st Renegades 4-H Club