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2024 Taylor County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1201-1207 of 1207
Results last updated at: 09/20/2024 12:25 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
33 Self-Determined Projects & Youth Leadership / Entrepreneurship - Grades 7 & Up / 12: Prototype of My Product
123 Byrd, Benjamin 1394 Blue Little Whispers
34 Health, Safety & Citizenship / Health / 01: First Aid Steps for Cuts & Scrapes - Grades 3-5
110 Kopp, Alexis 1579 Blue Taylor Farmers Union Jr's
34 Health, Safety & Citizenship / Health / 05: First Aid Steps for Stings or Bites - Grades 3-5
110 Kopp, Alexis 1581 Blue Taylor Farmers Union Jr's
34 Health, Safety & Citizenship / Health / 08: First Aid Steps for Burns - Grades 3-5
110 Kopp, Alexis 1580 Blue Taylor Farmers Union Jr's
34 Health, Safety & Citizenship / Health / 09: First Aid Kit for Family - Grades 3-5
110 Kopp, Alexis 1582 Blue Taylor Farmers Union Jr's
34 Health, Safety & Citizenship / Health / 23: Brochure on How to Stay "Injury Free" - Grades 9+
127 Butt, Natasha 1447 Blue Taylor Countrysiders
34 Health, Safety & Citizenship / Health / 24: Fitness Plan - Grades 9+
127 Butt, Natasha 1448 Blue Taylor Countrysiders